

I am Furkan, a Ph.D. student and a research fellow at IGRA. I am currently interested in optionality/variation in different language components. Using Harmonic Grammar, I argue that the same mechanism is behind deriving optionality/variation in phonology, morphology, and syntax. I am also interested in psycholinguistics, data analysis, and corpora. Personally, I like to play sandbox video games and take pictures.

Contact: [email protected]



Atmaca, F. (2022). Suspended Affixation needs no morphological word: The suffix-(y)Ip. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Turkic and Languages in Contact with Turkic (Vol. 6, No. 1, p. 5035)

Atmaca, F. (2021). Compositional Analysis of Turkish Agent Nominalizers. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Turkic and Languages in Contact with Turkic (Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 16-25).

Atmaca, F. (2021). Dative Ablative Alternation in Turkish: The Role of Aspect. In Proceedings of the 15th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics (pp. 1-15)

Atmaca, F. (2020). Suspended affixation in Turkish. Masters thesis, Bogazici University

Keleş, O., Atmaca, F., Gökgöz, K. (2023) Reference tracking strategies of deaf adult signers in Turkish sign language, Journal of Pragmatics, 213, 12-35

Keleş, O., Atmaca, F., Gökgöz, K. (2022) Effects of age of acquisition and category size on signed verbal fluency, Language Acquisition, 29:4, 361-383

Türk, U., Atmaca, F., Özateş, Ş.B. et al. (2022) Resources for Turkish dependency parsing: introducing the BOUN Treebank and the BoAT annotation tool. Lang Resources & Evaluation 56, 259–307.

Türk, U., Atmaca, F., Özateş, Ş.B., Başaran, B. Ö., Güngör, T., & Özgür, A. (2019). Improving the annotations in the Turkish universal Dependency Treebank. In Proceedings of the third workshop on universal dependencies (UDW, SyntaxFest 2019) (pp. 108-115).

Türk, U., Atmaca, F., Özateş, Ş.B., Köksal, A., Başaran, B.Ö., Güngör, T., & Özgür, A. (2019). Turkish treebanking: Unifying and constructing efforts. In Proceedings of the 13th linguistic annotation workshop (pp. 166-177).


Ph.D. Linguistics

Universität Leipzig (2020- ongoing)

M.A. Linguistics

Boğaziçi University (2017-2020)

B.A. Foreign Language Education

Orta Doğu Technical University (2013-2017)